Chapter two of my thesis has just been published! Rule et al. 2017 [PDF] explores the neurophysiology of beta (β) oscillations in primates, especially how single-neuron activity relates to population activity reflected in local field potentials (a.k.a. "brain waves").
Beta (~20 Hz) oscillations occur in frontal cortex. We've known about them for about a century, but still don't understand how they work or what they do. β-wave activity is related to "holding steady", so to speak.
Beta oscillations are dysregulated in Parkinson's, in which movements are slowed or stopped. Beta oscillations are also reduced relative to slow-wave activity in ADHD, a disorder associated with motor restlessness and hyperactivity.
I looked at beta oscillations during movement preparation, where they seem to play a role in stabilizing a planned movement. I found that single neurons had very little relationship to the β-LFP brain waves. However! This appears to be for a good reason: the firing frequencies of neurons store information about the upcoming movement, and neurons firing at different frequencies cannot phase-lock together into a coherent population oscillation.
Anyone who's played in an orchestra knows that when notes are just slightly out of tune, you get interference patterns called beats. The same thing is happening in the brain, where many neurons firing at slightly different "pitches" cause β-LFP fluctuations, even though the underlying neural activity is constant.
This result provides a new explanation for how β-waves can appear as "transients" during motor steady-state: the fluctuations are cased by "beating", rather than changes in the β activity in the individual neurons. This differs from the prevailing theory for the origin of β transients in more posterior brain regions.
Many thanks to Carlos Vargas-Irwin, John Donoghue, and Wilson Truccolo. You can grab the PDF here. Please cite as
Rule, M.E., Vargas-Irwin, C.E., Donoghue, J.P. and Truccolo, W., 2017.
Dissociation between sustained single-neuron spiking and transient β-LFP oscillations in primate motor cortex. Journal of neurophysiology, 117(4), pp.1524-1543.