Building a 'dreamcatcher' LED display

This post outlines how to construct a dreamcatcher that also functions as an LED display. For this design, we'll use a "charlieplexing" layout to drive many LEDs with few pins. There is a version of the charlieplexing layout that works well with the spiral pattern used for our dreamcatcher. The construction approach is similar to the paper LED marquee project.

 Step 0: Materials

  • LEDs. If using N driving pins, then at N*(N-1) LEDs plus a few spares. I use 110 here. Bright LEDs in clear packaging are best. I also prefer ones with a wide viewing angle.
  • glass "bugle" (long thin) and "seed" (small, round) beads
  • Bare copper or brass wire, intermediate guage: small enough to thread through beads easily
  • Soldering tools
  • Scrap paper and cardboard, scissors, thumbtack, hobby knife, printer
  • Arduino and hookup wires


Step 1: Prepare the "circuit board"

For this project, I opted for a pattern based on 110 LEDs controlled by 11 pins. I used this template, made by the Fibonacci_layout.ipynb iPython notebook, available on Github. This pattern is based on the golden ratio, and is adjusted so that the density of LEDs is approximately uniform (with some distortion near the center. )

Tape the template to some scrap cardboard (cereal boxes seem to work well), and use a push-pin or thumbtack to puncture holes for the LEDs.


Step 2: Add LEDs

We will affix the LEDs to the board, and then thread wire and beads through them to make electrical connections. I used round nosed pliers to shape the LED leads into loops.

One problem I had with previous attempts at LED bead weaving was damage to the LEDs during soldering, due to heat and mechanical stress. To fix this, I added glass seed beads as spacers. Spacer beads allow a bit more distance between the solder point and the LED itself, and dissipate some heat and mechanical stress.

Add a spacing seed bead and shape the top loop first (I kept the anodes on the top). Add another spacing bead to the other lead, insert the LED into the "board", and shape the lead on the back. It is also possible (and probably easier, to be honest) to wrap the LED leads around the wires as you solder them, although I have not tried this approach.

Step 3: Wire up circuit with beads

We'll use medium-gauge bare copper or brass wire to hook up the LEDs. To make things beautiful, and to insulate the driving wires to prevent shorts, we'll wrap the wire in glass bugle and seed beads.
  • Use a wire that is thin enough to thread through the beads easily, but thick enough that it won't break from fatigue.
  • Avoid excessive force; this could crack the glass beads or damage the LEDs.
  • Leave 2-3 mm clearance around each LED lead, to make sure there is space to solder properly.
I found it necessary to carefully pull the wire through the beads with pliers, as it did not slide easily. Using thinner wire seemed to help.

Prepare the reverse similarly.

Step 4: Solder and electrical test

Solder the LEDs to the wires. With this specific template, the driving lines for the front and for the back meet at the center and the perimeter. Solder these together as well.

Remember to use the correct current-limiting resistors to avoid burning out the (painstakingly assembled) LEDs. The resistor calculator here is nice.

All working! (almost)

Step 5: Mounting

Remove the cardboard support carefully to avoid damaging the LED circuit. I peeled away the paper with pliers, 1-2 millimeters at a time. The patience is worth it, since it is difficult to repair damage at this stage. (That said, I did break a few solder connections during this step, but they were easy enough to fix)

Using short pieces of copper wire, tie several willow branches together to form a circle. I used branches that had been formed in a rough circle by tying them around a kitchen pot as they dried. A better shape was possible by tying several branches together and tightening things incrementally.

Attach the LED bead dreamcatcher to the willow loop using wire ties. Space these evenly around the circumference, one for each driving line (I'm using 11). Leave the ties loose at first. Once all are in place, slowly and incrementally tighten them in a star pattern, as you would a lug nut. This should further pull the willow loop into a circular shape. Do not over-tighten, and be careful not to damage the circuit.

Run insulated wire around the willow loop to connect each of the driving lines. Old Ethernet cables are an excellent source of twisted pair copper wire, and that's what I used here. Another useful trick for cable management twisting two strings together to form a larger rope. One nice thing about charlieplexing is how few driving lines it uses: all 110 LEDs here can be driven with a single cable.

Step 6: Software

Once everything is hooked up to the Arduino (pro mini in this case), you can start to play around with programming. In this case I got a bit lazy, and hastily ported some old game of life code, with some added zooming and rotation. It's not quite right, but looks nice.

Not bad for $5.50
  • LEDs: $1 from Ebay;
  • Pro-mini compatible: $2 from Ebay.
  • Beads: $1.50 from Ebay
  • Copper wire: $1 from Ebay
  • Willow branches: free
  • Cardboard, paper, insulated wire: recycled
  • Soldering and crafting supplies: already available.

Building a 'papercraft' LED marquee

Long, dark winter nights demand some tinkering and crafts. Arduino LED projects are fun, but custom circuit boards might not always be in the budget. Thankfully, discrete LEDs can be found on Ebay for less than 1¢ apiece, and cardboard circuits are a thing. Can we build a scrolling marquee display with nothing more than some LEDs, cardboard, and paper?




We'll lay out and solder our LED marquee on cardboard, and build some dividers to separate pixels, and print a little screen on top to diffuse the light.

We will use a "Charlieplexing" layout to control many LEDs using only a few pins. This can be a difficult to lay out by hand. Thankfully, there is a trick: if we're willing to tilt the grid diagonally, we can use a pattern that is easy to layout and assemble. The code to drive the display gets a bit confusing, but one can always manually map the LED locations one-by-one, if push comes to shove.

Past project links


Step 0: Gather materials

I recommend bright LEDs, since the paper diffuser blocks some light. "Super bright" LEDs inside a clear packaging should work. "Hat top" wide-angle LEDs are nice because they cast light in all directions, making it easier to get a good display even if all the LEDs aren't quite aligned.

Other materials include a soldering kit and wire snips, as well as paper crafting supplies: scissors, tape, paper, scrap cardboard, and a hobby knife. We'll also use a pin to punch holes in the cardboard for the LEDs. Oh! and an Arduino, jumper wires, and current limiting resistors as well, of course.
  • LEDs (110 in this build), scrap wire, current-limiting resistors, and an Arduino
  • Soldering station, wire snips, low-temperature solder
  • Paper crafting tools: scissors, tape, x-acto knife, push pin
  • Scrap cardboard, paper, pen, printer


Step 1: Prepare circuit (card)board

First, we'll need to design our layout. We'll use a diagonal version of charlieplexing, to simplify soldering. Design files for this project are on github. I used this template.

For "diagonal multiplexing", we'll have the cathodes on the front of the board, zigzagging diagonally, and the anodes on the reverse, zigzagging the other way. The lines wrap around at the edges. This can be a bit confusing at first, so reading through the blog post and working through some layouts by hands might be helpful!

For the cardboard, we want something stiff but not to thick. Cereal boxes are perfect. Tape the template to cardboard, or draw the pattern by hand. Use a thumb-tack or push-pin to poke one hole in the cardboard for each LED (just one hole as we'll wire up the other pins on the front).

After punching holes for the LED leads, trace the circuit on the reverse, for reference when soldering.

Step 2: Solder LEDs

I wired up the anodes (positive, +, usually the long wire) on the reverse, and the cathodes (negative, -, usually near the flat edge of the LED) in the front. It doesn't matter whether the anodes or cathodes are on the front/back, but it does matter that all LEDs go the same way. Be careful not to switch any!

Without a rigid PCB, the LEDs get a bit wobbly, which makes soldering tricky. I soldered the LEDs one row at a time, soldering both the front and the back of the board, so that the previously-soldered LEDs are held stiffly in place.

Test the LEDs as you go, making sure that they light up as expected. It's easier to correct fixes before the whole matrix is soldered in to place. I accidentally put some lights in backwards, and also damaged some from mechanical stress when soldering. A couple mistakes are not so bad!

Try to minimize mechanical stress and overheating, as this can damage LEDs. A temperature-controlled soldering station and low-temperature solder may help. 

Step 3: Test circuit

After step 2, you may want to pause and test that all LEDs are working well. If your following this example, you should have 11 control lines controlling a 5x22 LED matrix.

You'll need to write some code to scan the LEDs. Scanning them one at a time (at first) is useful. When testing, use current limiting resistors, and calculate the resistance correctly for the color of LEDs you used. To be conservative, I used 330Ω resistors. It is very sad to burn out all your LEDs after spending all that time soldering them. This online resistor calculator is handy.

To get a brighter display, you might want to consider row-column driving, rather than lighting the LEDs one at a time. This is a bit out-of-spec in a charlieplexing setup, since each pin on the Arduino is only technically supposed to source or sink 40mA of current. So far, I haven't had any issues with it.

Once everything is working well, you can consider lowering the current resistors to match the peak current of the LEDs. Most LEDs can handle extra current briefly. If you're scanning a multiplexed display rapidly, LEDs will be on only a fraction of the time. Lowering the current limiting resistor increases the power, and the brightness, of the display. Still, take care not burn out the display!

Step 4: Build case

We need to build a case for the LED matrix, to help confine and diffuse the light, and give everything a polished look (or as polished as can be, for a paper marquee).

To divide the light between LEDs, I cut thin strips of cardboard. These should be only slightly taller than the LEDs themselves, to avoid absorbing excess light. These strips then supported a paper overlay, which helps diffuse the light and blacks out any regions except for the "pixels".

The paper dividers leak light, and the paper overlay absorbs too much, so things are dimmer and fuzzier than on a proper LED marquee, but it looks ok in indoor lighting.


Step 5: Software

Now that we have our "papercraft" LED marquee, we can play around with programming it. I enjoyed designing various bitmap fonts, and hooking up to the serial port on a computer to print outputs from the terminal.

This display is a bit tricky to code for, owing to the unusual LED layout. If all else fails, you can store the anode/cathode pins for each light in a look-up-table. To start, try lighting up the LEDs one at a time. Once this is working well, you may want to try row-column scanning.

In charlieplexing, we use the same pins to source and sink current. Arduino pins are limited to 40mA, enough for 4-5 LEDs. In practice, you can drive more, but they will dim slightly. This is out of spec for the Atmega*8 chips, but I've never had an issue. One benefit of the unusual layout, which is a bit scrambled, is that it's somewhat rare to need more than 4-5 LEDs on each driving line, for scrolling text.

To get a smooth and bright display, you might want to write groups of pins directly by writing to the PORT and DDR registers. To make this even faster, its worth storing the required PORT/DDR register states directly, and using a small timer interrupt routine to rotate through the configurations for each scan-line of the display. For best results, you may need to turn off internal pull-up resistors, since these can source enough current to dimly light LEDs. 

If you end up with dead LEDs, you may need to mask them in your driving software so that they do not turn on. In a charlieplexed grid, a dead LED can force current through the other LEDs, leading to artifacts. 

I eventually affixed an Arduino pro mini for a more stand-alone solution. At the moment, I've hooked it up to battery power and set it to scroll some poetry.


LED multiplexing layouts for hand-crafting

Have you ever wanted to build a LED matrix display using hand-crafting methods, such as sewing, weaving, or papercraft? Designing and fabricating complex LED projects by hand, while making use of limited input-output (i/o) pins on microcontrollers/Arduino, is challenging.

Previous posts have covered how to organize LED matrix displays using "Charlieplexing", which simplifies printed circuit board (PCB) assembly and makes efficient use of i/o pins. But, what if we don't want to go through the hassle of ordering a custom PCB, or what if we want to work with individual LEDs in a craft project? Cost is also a factor: a cardstock "papercraft" display could be built from a cheap Arduino-compatible board and bulk LEDs for under $5 on Ebay, far cheaper than even the cheapest LED scrolling marquees.

LED multiplexing involves attaching multiple LEDs sharing a common anode (+ side) or cathode (- side) arrangement. Only one row or column is active at a time, and rows/columns are scanned rapidly so that all lights may appear to be on.
Carlieplexing is similar, but uses the same set of microcontroller pins for the anodes and the cathodes. Grid locations where the anode and cathode are now the same pin are excluded (blacked out LEDs, right, below). A previous post covered how to make the best use of the layout space for Charlieplexing LED matrices.

For hand-crafted projects, we'd like a way to build multiplexed layouts as simply as possible, without extra "wires" tracing throughout the project. This can be done by using a diagonal slice of the charlieplexing grid layout, which allows the driving lines to wrap around the edges of the project:

This diagonal layout is unconventional, and at first might not seem to lend itself to projects that need a rectangular grid, for example to display text. The geometry is flexible, however, and allows for distortion and rearrangement of the LED positions.

For example, individual rows can be shifted to create a rectangular layout (a), and the grid may be stretched to create a hexagonal grid (b), which is convenient for tiling red, green, and blue LEDs for a full-color display (but see caveats about mixing different color LEDs in the example project, below).  Since the layout is periodic in the long axis, it can be wrapped onto polar (c) or cylindrical coordinates (d), creating some fun possibilities!

Find more proposed layouts in the post "Some more LED layouts for hand crafting".



Project 1: LED bead weaving

To illustrate this layout approach, I've built a small woven display using a "bead weaving" approach. Individual LEDs are strung on a copper wire, which is decorated with glass beads for insulation and stiffness.

For this design, I first determined the layout geometry on paper, and mounted the LEDs in cardboard for stability when soldering, clipping the cardboard away once the project was complete. It's hard to replace damaged LEDs, so take care when assembling and testing the project.

If mixing different color LEDs, ensure that the lowest forward voltage is no less than half the highest forward voltage, otherwise the current might "skip" higher-voltage LEDs by passing through two low-voltage ones. Check the maximum instantaneous current ratings for your LEDs, and be sure to add current-limiting resistors.

I made several mistakes in this assembly, including forgetting to leave gaps in the beads to allow for soldering, and soldering at a temperature high enough to damage the LEDs. Be careful not to overheat the LEDs: without the added mechanical stability of a PCB, melting or softening of the plastic can damage the chip inside.

To construct: (A) Design the layout grid on stiff cardboard. Use round-nose pliers to form the LED leads into loops, (just the cathodes at first). Place the LEDs in the cardboard layout, then form the loops for the anodes other side. Thread copper wire through the project to connect the LEDs, optionally attaching glass beads for insulation and aesthetics, and solder. (B) This example project uses 6 control lines to drive 5 columns of colored LEDs.  (C) Finished project; (some LEDs were damaged in assembly). The Arduino source code scans each light one-at-a-time.